Scottish independence: How our new Makar Kathleen Jamie sees Scots who disagree as 'feart' – Brian Wilson

Nicola Sturgeon with Kathleen Jamie after she was announced as the new Makar at the Scottish Poetry Library (Picture: Robert Perry/WPA pool/Getty Images)Nicola Sturgeon with Kathleen Jamie after she was announced as the new Makar at the Scottish Poetry Library (Picture: Robert Perry/WPA pool/Getty Images)
Nicola Sturgeon with Kathleen Jamie after she was announced as the new Makar at the Scottish Poetry Library (Picture: Robert Perry/WPA pool/Getty Images)
How do I feel after this terrific victory for SNP and Greens?

HAPPY! An independent green horizon gives me hope.

These lines are in italics just to confirm for those who might doubt it that they are poetry rather than mere prose. Nor, indeed, the work of any old poet but none less than Scotland’s new Makar, Kathleen Jamie, in celebration of the Holyrood election results. You can see why she qualified for the gig.

So much hope now, and a fear that comes with it too,

as well as a hope we’re not too feart.

Rather a patronising use of a single Scots word to misrepresent those who take a different view from her own, I would have thought, but that’s a Makar’s privilege.

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One hopes this is not Ms Jamie’s finest work and she will doubtless enliven many a Bute House soiree of the faithful with more distinguished patriotic couplets.

One does wonder if a Scottish poet less publicly committed to a deeply divisive viewpoint might not have been available for a post which, back in 2004 when it was created, was supposed to be for the whole nation.

We must, however, live with the world as it is rather than as we would like it to be so I am working on my own entry for the next Makar stakes:

Oh michty me, we’ll soon be free; if only fearties turn and flee. HAPPY!

It will need some further development but a Creative Scotland grant should not be out of the question meantime.

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